Oxford Winter Night Shelter 

Due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the Oxford Winter Night Shelter which have supported was not able to operate last winter. All rough sleepers were accommodated under the Everyone In initiative.

However, the Oxford Winter Night Shelter is delighted to be working with St Clements Parish Property to set up a new day support centre, based in the St Clements area, to offer respite, hospitality and encouragement to those who are homeless and vulnerably housed.

The new day centre, to be known as the Living Room, will provide support in a small and friendly environment to its guests, specially targeting those more able to engage in this setting. OWNS will work closely with agencies to obtain referrals to the centre and to provide joined-up support. It is hoped that the Living Room will be able to open its doors in September 2021. The next few months will be spent in refurbishing the venue and finalising the operations.

OWNS is now raising funds to help fill the day centre with smaller items such as mugs and bowls, and larger items like chairs and laptops.If you would like to make a donation follow this link:



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